Assam TET 2023 Overview

Assam TET or Assam Teacher Eligibility Test is a common entrance test conducted in the State of Assam as a part of the implementation of the Right to Education Act 2009, Department of Elementary Education, Government of Assam. The exam is held for the appointment of Shiksha Mitras (SM) and Additional Shiksha Mitras (ASM) in the state of Assam. Through this exam for the recruitment of Assistant Teachers, Assam government ensures availability of qualified and knowledgeable teachers in Lower Primary and Upper Primary Schools of Assam.

Assam TET 2023 online application process for vacant posts in Govt. Schools for Hindi and Sanskrit teacher was started on August 22, 2023. Last date for submission of online application for Assam TET 2023 exam is September 8, 2023. Assam TET 2023 will be conducted in two phases: written exam and interview process. To be selected for the final recruitment, candidates need to qualify both the levels. Only candidates who meet cut off percentage of written exam will be called for interview round.

Assam TET 2023 Recruitment Overview

Exam conducting body

Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhijan (RMSA)

Notification for

Assam TET Latest News

Total No. of Posts


Posts Name under Assam TET 2023

Hindi Teacher – 1031 Vacant Posts

Classical Teacher (Sanskrit) – 587 Vacant Posts

Job Location

Anywhere in Assam

Official Website


Assam TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhijan of Assam will organize the Assam Teacher Eligibility Test in various centres in Himachal Pradesh. Candidates who want to apply for the exam must go through Assam TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria and fill the application form before the last date. Given below are the conditions interested candidates need to meet to apply for Assam TET 2023 exam.

Only permanent residents of Assam are eligible to apply for Assam TET 2023 exam.


·         Candidate must have passed senior/higher secondary examination with at least 50% marks.

·         He/she should have a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education in accordance with NCTE with at least 45% marks. Or

·         Senior secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks with 4 years Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. Ed).Or

·         Senior secondary or its equivalent with at least 50% marks with 2 years Diploma in Education (Special Education). Or

·         Graduation from any UGC recognized university and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.


·         Minimum age requirement to apply for this exam is 18 years while the maximum age limit is 43 years as on January 01, 2023.

·         Candidates from reserved categories will get upper age relaxation of 5 years as per Assam Government rules and regulations.

·         Candidates working under “Strengthening and Improvement of the Quality Education in the State” scheme on contractual basis for a maximum of 5 years can also enjoy the upper age limit.

For information on Assam TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria, read more.

Assam TET 2023 Application Details

Assam TET 2023 application process started from August 22, 2023. After going through the eligibility criteria, candidates can fill the online application form. Candidates who meet all the conditions given in Assam TET 2023 eligibility criteria should only apply for the exam. To fill the application form, candidates need to visit the official portal of RMSA. Assam TET 2023 application process:

·         Visit the official website of RMSA

·         Go to the notification tab and click on Assam TET Notification 2023 link

·         There click on the appropriate link and apply online

·         Fill all the required details in the form

·         Upload a recent passport size photograph and signature in the prescribed format

·         Pay Assam TET 2023 application fee

·         Check all the information once again before clicking on the Submit tab

·         Once you submit the form, take a printout of the same for future reference

Assam TET 2023 Important Dates

S. No.




Opening of Online Application Form

22nd August 2023 (22/08/2023)


Last date for Submission of online Application form

8th September 2023 (08/09/2023)


Last date of fees Payment at Bank

14th September 2023 (14/09/2023)


Date of examination

Will be notified later

For more information on Assam TET 2023 Application Form, read more.

Application fees detail

No Assam TET 2023 application will be accepted without payment of prescribed registration charges. Assam TET 2023 application fee is Rs. 400. However, candidates who applied earlier through advertisement number RMSA/STET/343/2014/1 dated 30/06/2014 don't need to pay any fee for TET Examination 2023. But to avail this benefit, candidates need to provide the previous online application number against advertisement no. RMSA/STET/343/2014/1 dated 30/06/2014 in the form.

Assam TET 2023 Exam Syllabus

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhijan (RMSA), Assam will declare the Assam TET 2023 syllabus on the official website. Candidates can check here the syllabus for Assam TET exam 2023 to have an overview of the important topics. The syllabus will help students to plan and execute their study accordingly. 

Assam TET 2023 Syllabus

General Studies

·         History of India and Assam, with special stress on Indian Freedom struggle

·         Indian Polity and Indian Constitution

·         Indian Culture with special prominence on Assam

·         General Science

·         Indian Geography with special focus on Assam

·         Indian Economy with special emphasis on Assam

·         Mathematics and Mental Ability comprising similarities and difference, problem solving, decision making, discrimination, relationship concepts, coding and decoding, statement, conclusion, etc.

·         Environment and its protection

·         Education scenario in Assam with individual attention to the Right to Education Act 2009

Current Affairs

·         State

·         Political and Economic development

·         Governmental Policies

·         Games

·         Sports

·         Arts etc


Unit 1: Teaching –Learning Process and Pedagogy

Unit 2: Educational Psychology

Unit 3: Psychology of Adolescence

General Principles of Teaching, Maxims of Teaching

Educational Psychology- Its Meaning and Nature: Application of Educational Psychology in the classroom.

Significance of Adolescence Period

Significant trends in Modern Teaching Learning Process

Attention and Interest – Its Educational Implication

Dimensions of Development during Adolescence- physical, intellectual,

Process of Learning-Major Laws of Learning, Role of Motivation in Learning

Personality- Its Concept- role of family and school in personality development

Social, emotional and moral.

Teaching Methods and Techniques

Education of Children with Special Needs

Emotional problems in the classroom.

Teaching Skills

Mental Health and Hygiene, Adjustment and Mechanism

Understanding the adolescent learner- role of family and school

Teaching Devices

Intelligence- concept and nature: Individual differences in intelligence, creativity.

Juvenile Delinquency

Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive, Affective & Psychomotor


Guidance and Counseling

Lesson Plan: Essentials of a good Unit


Understanding Developmental Hazards during adolescence.

Teaching Aids



General English

Unit 1: Remedial Grammar

Unit 2: Composition

Pair of words

Letter Writing- Personal and Formal


Report Writing

Tense Forms

Phrases and idioms

Auxiliaries- primary and modals


Direct and indirect narration

Sentence structure – word order

Active and passive voice

Paragraph writing

Appropriate prepositions

Precise writing

Vocabulary-antonyms, Synonyms

Miscellaneous Corrections

For more information on Assam TET 2023 Syllabus, read more.

For more information on Assam TET 2023 Exam Pattern, read more.